Colombia: First in Robotic Science in Latin America

Bogota, Colombia – Colombia became the first country in Latin America in using robotic science in surgery applied to a two-year old child with the Dawn Syndrome and chronic urinary retention, and the operation was successful.


It was a procedure of laparascopy, supported by a technique to allow the surgeon operating at distance, using the arms of a robot, baptized internationally as “Da Vinci”, while the doctor manipulates the surgical instruments in a console close to the patient and visualizes the operation field by a video camera.

From the screen, the surgeon looks out over the area in three dimensions and can work on it with Da Vinci’s articulated arms.

The surgical procedure, carried out Friday, lasted four hours, with a lot of complication because there was a fibrosis, said doctor Miguel Rueda, a member of the team of doctors led by specialist Pablo Gomez.

“Fortunately, everything went right, the kid is fine and stable. We will sent him him to a post-operative care and if it all goes fine, he will soon be able to go home,” said Gomez. (PL)

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