Obama’s Kenyan granny in danger

Threats of terrorist attack on Mama Sara Obama’s resident in Kogelo in East African nation of Kenya has led to beefing up of security at the home. More police officers could be spotted at US president Barack Obama’s granny’s residence following the death of the godfather of terrorism Osama Bin Laden.

The Kenyan police announced they have received threats on the old lady over the past three days. The planned attack is linked with Al-Qaeda aficionados who want to retaliate the actions of US special forces in Pakistan that killed the most wanted person on US list.

“We received reports of plans to attack the home of Mama Sara Obama three days ago and we immediately put in place adequate security measures,” local police officer Stephen Cheteka told the press.

Cheteka said that the home will be under 24-hour surveillance and that visitors to the home shall be subjected to thorough screening.

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